Am I Enough?
Am I enough, Lord?
I wonder to myself.
Enough to be Your light…
Others to compel?
I do not understand—
What You want from me?
What can I contribute?
What is it that You see?
My voice is not so loud.
My courage is not so strong.
I am not well known.
I often don't belong.
I'm quiet and reserved.
I like to be alone;
An introvert at heart,
Secure in my own home.
Am I enough, Lord;
To be useful to Your plan?
I wonder to myself…
With a pen in my hand.
How do I share Your love—
In this world that I live in;
Or demonstrate Your mercy,
In a world so full of sin?
I do not comprehend—
What difference I can make,
With poems of Your life…
Death…forgiveness and fate?
You gave Your life for us—
Our place in hell You did trade.
On a cross You suffered death;
Our debt for sins you paid.
But am I enough, Lord?
I wonder in concern.
A sinner saved by grace,
Your will to fulfill, I yearn.
You touch my mind with images;
A boy…a stone…a giant—
With faith in you as armor—
Over evil He triumphed.
A man in the lions’ den—
His faith steadfast and true—
The cats’ mouths shut by angels,
The devil overcome by You.
Your message to me—now clear;
I believe I understand…
On my own,
I'm not enough;
But with You,
I am.
(by Heather Masco - 11/21/2019)